Photos from Carrying the Tiger
SPOILER ALERT: These photos either appear in the book or are related to the story. Click on a photo to view it in full. To see Lynn’s paintings, visit
Lynn and Tony in 1993
Lynn with her uncooperative cat Merry Cherry during a photo shoot in our apartment, 2007. Lynn loved gray tabbies like Merry Cherry and (later) Lily.
In rural Laos, 2001. The kids came running when they learned two westerners were on the beach, waiting for a canoe to take us downriver. The canoe was late so Lynn entertained them for an hour.
In Siem Riep, Cambodia, 2002.
In Mahabalipuram, India, at the house of our favorite driver.
At a crossroads in India, 2010
In Orcha, a village in India where we stayed with a family of farmers, 2011
At the home of our hosts in Orcha, 2011
Leading a game of Simon Says with kids who were playing in the street, Orcha, India 2011
Francie and Shirley, 2022
Dr. Hellmann on the Sloan Kettering website, 2014.
The Gingko leaves in Central Park, Nov 5, 2014, on our way to Sloan Kettering for the first time
Waiting to meet Dr. Hellman for the first time, November 5, 2014
The Hawthorn bushes in Central Park, Nov 25, 2014, on the way home after Lynn's third needle biopsy
Peter and Shirley at his sister’s wedding
After Peter’s funeral
Painting in David Dewey's studio, upstairs in Blairstown, 2007
In Lois Dodd's Blairstown studio, 2015. Paper hospital gowns make great painting smocks!
The street in Hanoi, 2001, just before we tried to cross it.
Lynn with her friend Maria Pia at the opening of Lynn's 2016 show
Lynn in her signature red hat, 2016
Lynn with Boo and Lily, October 2018
In rural Laos in 2001, a few minutes after we emerged from the big cave.
Laughing with her physical therapist (off camera), January 2021
In her wheelchair, February 12, 2021, just before Sue and Arthur came to visit.
With Lily the cat, February 15, 2021, the first time during hospice that Lynn slept most of the day. She would die nine days later.
The moon outside my window. (This photo was taken years later, when I woke early and saw the moon looking much as it had that first night.)
The photo my colleague texted me, before she put the framed picture in an envelope and sent it to me.
Lynn's ashes in the urn on my dresser, the day we brought her home.
Cordelia and Tony in Central Park, May 2021, two days after we met in person. (I remember how uncomfortable I felt putting my arm around her for this photo, when Lynn still filled every corner of my heart.)
Corde at our campsite, June 2021, after we saw the rattlesnake but before the bear came to visit.
Corde pulling out bags that had been crammed into the back corner of the kitchen, under the counter, September 2021. (No, the kitchen didn't normally look this bad,)
Francie and Paul enter St. John's cemetery, December 2021, a few weeks before Paul died.
The entry to Lynn’s retrospective exhibition at Bowery Gallery, June 2022.
Lynn before the opening of her 2012 show. (This is out of order chronologically, but it's where it appears in the book.)
Savoring the last few minutes in Lynn's painting studio after we emptied it out, autumn 2023.
Recording the audiobook in my home office, January 2025. We hung sleeping bags from the shelves to help muffle echoes.
Lily the cat helped me with the audiobook.